The Way of Kings, Part 2...

Hello friends,

Finally, I have managed to complete reading the first book of 2022! The Way of Kings, Part 2 is the second part of the first book in the Stormlight Archive series. 

The story closely follows the lives of Kaladin, Dalinar and Shallan but this time around the author focuses on developing the plot rather than introducing the readers to various locations and cultures of Roshar. The main focus is around Kaladin and Dalinar who are part of the battle that is ongoing between Alethi forces and Parshendi in the Shattered Plains. The readers finally get to see Dalinar as the warrior, Blackthorn, who has the will to unite Alethkar and also manages to find love & relevance between his high storm visions and reality. Kaladin on the other hand hatches an escape plan to free bridge four and himself & manages to control the power of stormlight. Meanwhile, Shallan manages to convince Jasnah to take her as a ward and they set sail to the Shattered Plains which coincidentally is also where Szeth-the assassin in white- is headed.

In all, The Way of Kings, Part 2  is expertly written with a lot of stunning revelations throughout its story that is bound to make its reader start the next book-Words of Radiance-as soon as its ended. My detailed Goodreads review of this book can be accessed using the link below,

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

See you soon with another book read!!

- Thejas 😃


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